Parent’s Responsibilities


Weekly tuition is due and payable by Friday for the upcoming week. Tuition is past due by 12:00 noon on Friday at which time a late charge of $20.00 will be assessed. A child will be terminated if tuition is two [2] weeks late. To reinstate a child requires full payment of the outstanding tuition, a new registration fee, and the next regular tuition payment. We reserve the right to turn your account over to a collection agency if you have left the center with an outstanding balance and have not responded to our attempts to resolve the balance promptly. Tuition is due for all days scheduled regardless of attendance. Refunds will not be given for absent days, illness, injury or weather closure.

We are closed the following holidays: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, & Christmas Day.

Should the above holiday fall on a weekend, the center will be closed on the Friday or Monday nearest the actual holiday. Full tuition must be paid on these days for children normally scheduled to attend. School Age children are billed at the current school day rate. Part-time clients are required to pay holidays at their current daily rate if you are normally scheduled to attend that day. We do not allow a switch of days to avoid the holiday payment. You are welcome to add a day of care if available. 

A registration fee is required at the time of enrollment and annually(on or around January 1st each year). This fee is non-refundable and does not apply toward tuition. It is assessed each time the child is re-enrolled or for additional child(ren) registering at a later date.

If a family would like to hold a spot in advance for enrollment, a deposit is required equal to the registration fee and the first week’s tuition. Please note that this deposit is non-refundable.

Each family is allowed up to 1 week per calendar year of vacation time for which no tuition is charged. A two-week written notice must be given to receive a vacation credit for all vacation time. Families using part-time care receives vacation according to the number of days attended each week. Vacation days may not be used on Holidays that the Center is closed. 

There are additional charges for special events, field trips, and guest speakers. Notification of such charges will be given in advance. These fees are non-refundable.

A fee of $30.00 will be charged for a returned check or EFT and Bright Stars/Little Scholars Learning Academy will have the option to refuse any further payment by check or EFT.

Multi-child discounts are offered to families with more than one child enrolled. The discount is applied to the oldest child and both children must attend full time. We do offer corporate discounts to various businesses in the area. Check with your Center Director to see if you would qualify. Please note only one discount is allowed per family.
Full time tuition covers up to 10 hours of care per day. Extra charges may be assessed if you need care for more than 10 hours per day. Half-time schedules cover less than 5 hours per day. To change your schedules, please contact the director at least 2 weeks in advance. We cannot guarantee schedule changes since we must meet specific group size and staffing requirements. You will be asked to fill out a new contract if the change is permanent.

Full tuition will be charged for the first week that a child is ill and unable to attend Bright Stars/Little Scholars Learning Academy. For prolonged illnesses, considerations will be given for a reduction in tuition for additional weeks.

A two-week written notice is required for withdrawal for any reason, or you will be charged full rate for the 2 weeks following notice. A new registration fee and deposit will be required should the child re-enroll at a later date.
Parents arriving after 5:30pm will be charged a late fee. If a parent arrives after 5:30pm, the fee will be as follows: $15 for each for each partial or full 15 minute increment per child. A phone call should be made to the center if you will be arriving after 5:30pm. All attempts will be made in good faith to contact you and others on the authorized list. If no one can be reached by 6:00pm, Social Services along with the local police department will be notified. DHS will take custody of the child while further attempts to reach you are made. Late fees are based per child not per family and are to be paid at the time of pickup. Families who are habitually late to pick up may have care terminated.


The role of the parent is very vital! Parental involvement will generate a unified, healthy experience for your child. Parents are encouraged to communicate directly with their child’s teacher as appropriate. Questions regarding the program should be directed to the Center Director.

We have an “open door” policy at Bright Stars/Little Scholars. At any time throughout the day, parents are welcome to come into the center to spend time with their child in the classroom. At times, we will also ask for volunteers to come in and participate in classroom activities. If someone else, such as a grandparent, wants to visit yo

All information provided to the center is kept confidential and is limited to review by staff, parents, legal guardians, a child’s legal representation, our public health nurse, and DHS licensing. All files are kept in the center office in a locked filing cabinet.

All BS/LSLA locations are secure buildings. Access will be given to a limited amount of people. Once a family enrolls they will receive a code to enter the building. We ask that this code not be shared with anyone. For alternate pick up, there is a doorbell that can be rang.

Parents are required to provide their own transportation to and from the center. Every child must be accompanied into the facility. Children must be signed in each day and escorted into the classroom by a parent. At that time our staff will assume responsibility for your child. Each family will be greeted by our staff upon entering their classroom. Face to face contact is very important during drop off and pick up. If your child will not attend on a scheduled enrollment day, please notify the center by 8:00am.

When you leave the center for the day, please inform a staff member in addition to signing out your child. Accurate attendance is very important, especially incase of an emergency. Pick up is a great time to chat with the teacher about the child’s day and any important items. Only a parent or an authorized adult that you have identified for us, either in person or in writing, will be allowed to pick up. Please be sure to tell the authorized person that we will ask to see a photo identification card if we do not already know him/her. 

Parents of infants and toddlers will receive a daily written report about the child’s food intake, elimination, sleeping patterns, and general behavior. Parents of preschool children will receive daily

Bright Stars/Little Scholars Academy 2020 5 communication about their child’s day through posted lesson plans, group notes, and verbal contact. A daily sheet is available by request for preschool age children.

A monthly newsletter will be distributed to parents which will discuss upcoming events at the center, general information, reminders, etc… Parents are encouraged to submit ideas and/or articles to be added.

We use ASQ-3 as a developmental tool upon enrollment. Each family is required to fill the questionnaire out at enrollment. The child’s teachers will then score the questionnaire. The 21 age-appropriate questionnaires effectively screen five key developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social. This tool has been shown to be very successful in finding the benchmark for each child and developing a starting point. The developmental assessment can also be given to a family intermittently as teaching staff see fit.

Twice a year you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss your child’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development. Their teacher performs these assessments in both an individual and group setting. Data is collected throughout the year. Notification of conference dates will be sent home or posted in the center. During conferences, you will have the opportunity to discuss with your child’s teacher a plan and goals for the next 6 months. Parents may request more frequent conferences and ask for particular items to be assessed. All assessment findings are kept confidential and are only available to the Center Director, teacher, and parents unless requested by licensing. All assessment pieces are used to make sure that our desired outcomes are met.
Throughout each year, we will send home surveys to gain family feedback regarding our program. Items that we will look for feedback on include policies and procedures, program quality, children’s progress and learning, family involvement, satisfaction, and community awareness. Once the results of surveys are computed, the results will be shared with our families and staff. Goals will then be set to make the required or suggested program improvements. We ask for staff and family input to align the goals with the suggested and required changes.

Under the laws of the state of Mississippi, both parents have the right to pick up their child unless a court document restricts that right. The enrolling parent who chooses not to include the other parent’s name on the authorized list for pickup must file an official court document such as the following: current restraining order, sole-custody decree, divorce decree stating sole custody, judgment of adoption, and /or foster parent documentation. Without this documentation, the program must release the child to either parent, provided the parent documents biological or adoptive parenthood of that child.

Communication is very important between everyone at Bright Stars/ Little Scholars Learning Academy. All members of our staff and leadership team are happy to receive comments from parents on aspects of our service at all times. There is space on daily sheets for parents to write comments. There are suggestion boxes in the entryway near the computer. Any negative feedback will be discussed with the parent making the comments, and we will devise an action plan to address the issues. Parents will be followed up with after the action plan has been put in place and to see if the issue is resolved. If a grievance arises which cannot be resolved by the above method, the Executive Director or Owner will be advised. Parents are asked to fill out a Grievance Report. The Executive Director or Owner will discuss the issue with the parent, other relevant staff or other person/s involved. Meetings with relevant parties will be arranged, and all relevant information gathered. We will at all times aim for a satisfactory outcome for all parties. An external review process can be made available if requested. Leadership will document and track all complaints, grievances, and their outcomes, and analyze them to identify possible patterns. This information may then be used to inform future Policy and Procedure changes.

If at any time you feel that your concerns and/or issues are not being properly addressed by center staff, your concern can be escalated to the Executive Director or Owner at Families are asked to put their concern in writing, detailing the entire concern and any suggestions on how to resolve the issue. It will be the goal of the Executive Director and Owner to correct the issue as soon as possible. Either the Executive Director or Owner will contact you within 48 hours after receiving the written concern. All matters will be conducted in the most professional matter. Once the Executive Director or Owner has the details from the family, a meeting may be set up.


We provide age appropriate toys and games for the children. Please refrain from sending toys on days not scheduled as “show and tell” days. Properly labeled books are always welcome. Bright Stars/ Little Scholars is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items brought to the center. Please ask your school age teacher if toys are allowed on non-school days and summers. No type of technology is allowed to be brought in at any time.

Children must have closed toe shoes for outdoor play daily. Children need to be adequately dressed for indoor and outdoor activities. An extra set of indoor clothing is needed and will be kept in their cubby: underwear, socks, shirt, and pants. All clothing should be labeled with your child’s first and last name.
Outdoor play is a very important part of your child’s day. Fresh air and exercise are important to a child’s health, and our curriculum. We go outside every day that weather and air quality permits. Children who are well enough to be in school are well enough to go outdoors with the group each day. Please make sure your child is properly dressed for the weather conditions. In the winter, we will go outside as long as it is at least 20 degrees with a positive wind chill. In the summer, we will go out as long as the heat index is 89 degrees or less. Times outdoors will be limited when necessary.
Breakfast, lunch, and pm snacks are provided daily for each child who are able to eat our standard menu selections.
Quiet time will be provided each afternoon for all children. Naps are to be peaceful and supervised. If a child does not sleep, s/he will not remain on a cot for more than 30 minutes after other children are asleep. If a child is close to falling asleep after the 30 minutes they may complete their rest time. One small labeled blanket is needed; blankets need to be taken home weekly to be washed. If a pillow is provided from home, it must be able to fit inside each child’s cubby box. Quiet activities will be offered to children not sleeping.
When your child has a birthday, you may provide a “treat” for each child in your child’s group. We do ask you to please arrange the date and time with the teacher. Any food brought as a special treat must be commercially made and the Director or teacher must be notified in advance. Please note we are a nut-free center.
From time to time our center may have pets. We will inform you at each time pets are present. Please inform your Teacher or the Director if your child is allergic to any particular pet.

Field trips are an important and fun part of learning about the world around us. Your child will have many opportunities to join classmates for enjoyable field trips. Bright Stars/Little Scholars requires your permission for your child to accompany us on a field trip. Occasionally there will be fees related to the trips. All off site field trips are for school age only.

Parents and other adults who transport children in vehicles must maintain and use safety seats and seatbelts in compliance with state laws. Failure to follow these standards will result in our calling another person on the authorized pick up list to pick up the child. As mandated reporters, we will report anyone not using a safety seat to the Police and Department of Social Services. A child who is under the age of 8 and shorter than 4 feet 9 inches is required to use a booster seat in a vehicle.

BS/LSLA discourages idling vehicles including buses and families’ automobiles in our parking lots, except on extremely cold days. BS/LSLA will warm up vehicles that transport children in extreme weather conditions. 

In the event of severe weather conditions, call the childcare center to listen to a closing announcement. The center may close if the local school district closes. Full tuition must be paid for days that the center is closed due to weather. The Director or other staff will call or email parents or other contacts as indicated on enrollment form if the center must close during our operating hours due to severe weather.
We do participate in Scholastic book clubs. Families have the opportunity to purchase good quality books at very reasonable prices. We accumulate points from each order, which allows us to obtain new books for the Center. Book club order forms are sent home about once a month. Families choosing to order should follow the instructions that accompany the forms. All orders are handled directly through the center. No family is under any obligation to place orders. Everything is paid for in advance and all companies offer complete customer satisfaction guarantees.

BS/LSLA has liability insurance. This insurance is renewed automatically annually. A current certificate of coverage for insurance is available for inspection to all parents or guardians of children receiving services.


Infants must be at least 6 weeks old at the time of enrollment. Bright Stars/Little Scholars will follow the parent’s written diet plan for each infant until they have transitioned to our menu. The plan will need to be updated as the diet changes. Infant parents are responsible to provide the following: disposable diapers, baby wipes, bottles, baby formula & foods, 2 to 3 changes of clothing, immunization record & a physical examination report. Infants will be held during bottle-feeding. When an infant or toddler shows evidence of wanting to feed themselves, they will be encouraged to do so. All staff working with infants is trained in SUIDS, risk reduction, and abusive head trauma prevention strategies as required by DHS/Licensing. We practice BACK TO SLEEP and recommend all parents’ do so as well. We follow diapering policies infants are required to sleep in their cribs at all times, and will be placed on their backs. For infants 6 weeks to 13 months we recommend bringing in a sleep sac. Blankets will not be allowed in cribs. Also, infants will not be allowed to wear necklaces, small hair clips, or use pacifier clips during any part of the day as they may pose a choking hazard. We have an “open door” policy at Bright Stars/Little Scholars. At any time throughout the day parents are welcome to come into the center to spend time with their child in the classroom. At times we will also ask for volunteers to come in and participate in classroom activities. If someone else, such as a grandparent, wants to visit yo

All health forms are kept in the office and are confidential. Authorization must be granted on the enrollment forms for those allowed to view these records.
A current immunization record is required on the first day of enrollment. If a child’s immunization series is not complete, the form must be signed by the child’s source of health care. The date of all immunizations administered after January 1, 1990 must include month, day, and year. Please also inform us of any immunizations your child receives after admission. We are required to keep our records up-to-date and submit annual reports to the Mississippi Department of Health. If a child is unimmunized, we will exclude the child from care.

A current health statement signed by your child’s source of medical care is required within 30 days of enrollment and whenever your child reaches a new age category. This report is required annually for children under 24 months of age. All ages must update as needed.

When you leave the center for the day, please inform a staff member in addition to signing out your child. Accurate attendance is very important, especially in case of an emergency. Pick up is a great time to chat with the teacher about the child’s day and any important items. Only a parent or an authorized adult that you have identified for us either in person or in writing will be allowed to pick up. Please be sure to tell the authorized person that we will ask to see a photo identification card if we do not already know him/her. 

It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the center of any special medical conditions, needs, and or allergies so that we can provide for appropriate care. Please notify us if your child is on a medication that might cause diarrhea or other side effects. Parents are required by law and our center policies require us to be informed within 24 hours if your child has been diagnosed as having any type of a contagious disease. If your child is on an IEP or a similar plan, we must have a copy upon enrollment. Failure to provide this documentation upfront could result in termination of care. Certain conditions require an Individual Child Care Plan filled out by the child’s physician upon enrollment. Such conditions include: allergies, asthma, seizures, eczema, and developmental disabilities or you must notify program if your child is receiving or eligible for Developmental Disability case management services. If a child has a special medical management procedure, we will make sure an adult is trained and present at all times. This includes all classroom staff, an opener, closer and all management staff.
We are required by law to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect.
If your child is involved in an accident that requires first aid, or an incident that you should be aware of, our staff will provide you with a written report. The report will need to be signed by a parent or legal guardian. A copy will be provided for you upon request.

Bright Stars/Little Scholars is not responsible for any illness or injury involving a child while at the center. Our policies for handling illnesses and injury are listed below. Bright Stars/Little Scholars Learning Academy is not liable for any injuries or medical expenses that may occur while in our care. All staff is required to be trained in both first aid and CPR every two years. Bright Stars/Little Scholars has a health consultant from OCH who visits each month.

Medications can be given to your child if the center has written permission from the parents and it is a current prescription labeled bottle with complete instructions. The label should have the following information: directions for dispensing date of the medication, health care providers name, and date of the prescription as well as the child’s name. Medication must be in the original container.

Over-the-counter medication can be given with written permission from the parent and by following the manufacturer’s label. If the bottle states to consult a physician, we would need a physician’s signature in order to dispense.

Sunscreen lotion, insect repellent, and other topical ointments and creams may be administered to your child based on manufacturer’s instructions, with your written consent. If your child is under the age of 2, a doctor’s note will most likely be required. All medications will be stored in a locked cabinet. All emergency medication will be kept in the classroom and taken with during an emergency or offsite activities. 

To prevent illness from spreading, sick children need to be excluded from the center. If your child should become ill at the center, we will contact you immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will contact the authorized adults listed on the child’s emergency card. Once either the parent or an authorized adult has been contacted, arrangements must be made for the prompt pick up of the child from the center. Children should be picked up from the center within one hour. While waiting for the parent, the child will be removed from the other children and offered a cot to rest on. The child will be made as comfortable as possible and given any necessary care.

If at any time you feel that your concerns and/or issues are not being properly addressed by center staff your concern can be escalated to the Executive Director or Owner at Families are asked to put their concern in writing, detailing the entire concern, and any suggestions on how to resolve the issue. It will be the goal of the Executive Director and Owner to correct the issue as soon as possible. Either the Executive Director or Owner will contact you within 48 hours after receiving the written concern. All matters will be conducted in the most professional matter. Once the Executive Director or Owner has the details from the family a meeting may be set up. 




Bright Stars Shalimar
Little Scholars Learning Academy
Bright Stars
Learning Center